Monday, March 2, 2009

Class Demographics and Their Affects on Learning

Mrs. Morgan’s 2nd Grade Classroom

All students are between 7 and 8 years old.

16 students are white; 4 students are African American.

13 females and 8 males
Speech Intervention- 3 students
Math Intervention-1 student
*all intervention students go once a week for 30 minutes to a resource room.

Demographics and Their Affects on Learning

Mrs. Beth Morgan’s second grade class at Guyton Elementary has become one of the highlights of my week. I look forward to going and seeing this group of kids every Monday morning. I will write about many aspects of the classroom during this spring, but to understand a class it is important to understand its demographics.
As you can see Mrs. Morgan’s class is a unique one compared to what we study in our education program. The class is not very diverse at all. I believe the small age range of students (all are 7 to 8) probably helps the teacher be much more effective. (Class discussion) Most students are at the same maturity level so teaching does not need to be as diverse as other classrooms may be. One student is technically a year behind, but because of his late birthday, it was probably best for him to be retained. He is now in a classroom that is appropriate maturity wise.
The small difference in race in the classroom I would normally say is not a good thing. It is important to expose students to lots of different cultures, as this country is composed of many races. (Lemlech, 2006) However, because the rest of the school is fairly diverse, I do not think students are missing out too much. The racial demographic per classroom will probably change next year and the students can transition smoothly.
The biggest shock to me was the small amount of learning disabilities in this class. We learn in our classes to prepare for inclusion and that we will be teaching a very wide variety of students. (Lemlech, 2006) The students in Mrs. Morgan’s class, for the most part, are quite similar in learning needs. If the teacher would not have told me which students go to intervention I would have never known they needed extra help in speech. The one student that goes for math intervention also seems to develop normally, but is easily distracted in math so he takes longer to get it. I think this shows Guyton is above average in identifying early on which students need more help and getting them that extra attention quickly.

Lemlech, J.K. (2006). Curriculum and instructional methods for the elementary and middle school. Upper Saddle River, New Jersey: Pearson Prentice Hall.